992tv正在进入地址发布页 八字表白短句暖哭英文

admin 2023-08-13 11:00 阅读数 #八字运程

992tv正在进入地址发布页 八字表白短句暖哭英文











2、992tv正在进入地址发布页 八字表白短句暖哭英文

When it comes to expressing love, we all want to find the perfect words that can truly convey our emotions and make our loved ones feel special. One of the trending ways to do so is by using “bazi” or “eight characters” in Chinese astrology to create short and sweet love messages, and then translate them into English.

“Bazi” is a system that uses a person’s birth date and time to create a set of eight characters, which represent the four pillars of fate in traditional Chinese culture. These characters are believed to reveal one’s destiny and personality traits, which can be used to form romantic expressions that are both unique and heartwarming.

Here are some examples of “bazi” expressions translated into English:

1. 我们的八字配 对,聚了一世的缘. (Our bazi match, we have a lifetime of fate together.)

2. 红线牵引,天道安排,你我相遇,终是有缘. (Red thread pulls us together, fate arranged by heaven, meeting you was destined.)

3. 望眼欲穿,只为那一句:“我喜欢你”. (Looking forward to seeing you, just to hear you say, “I like you”.)

4. 你就是我命中的那道风景,注定会与我走到最美的时光. (You are the scenery in my destiny, destined to walk with me through the most beautiful time.)

5. 山高水长,跨越千山万水的难关,只想陪你到地老天荒. (Despite mountains and rivers, I’ll cross them all to be with you till the end of time.)

Using “bazi” expressions to confess your love might seem unorthodox, but it adds a touch of mysticism to the romance, which can make it all the more compelling. Moreover, translating them into English can widen the audience and make it more accessible to a global audience.

In conclusion, whether you’re a believer of Chinese astrology or not, using “bazi” to express your love can bring a unique and memorable experience for you and your significant other. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself?


