992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 生辰八字的英文怎么说

admin 2023-08-29 18:31 阅读数 #生辰八字

992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 生辰八字的英文怎么说


Eight Characters (also known as BaZi) is a traditional Chinese astrological system that uses a person's birth date and time to determine his or her fortune and destiny. In Chinese, it is called 生辰八字 (shēngchén bāzì), which literally means "birth (date) eight characters". The eight characters refer to four pairs of characters representing the year, month, day, and time of birth.

To translate 生辰八字 into English, it is usually written as "Four Pillars of Destiny". The term "four pillars" refers to the four pairs of characters representing the year, month, day, and time of birth, which are arranged in a specific sequence to form a chart. Each of the pillars is associated with one of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) and one of the twelve animal signs (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig).

To calculate a person's Eight Characters, one needs to know the exact date and time of birth, as well as the location of birth. The Chinese calendar system, which is based on the lunar cycle, is used to determine the year, month, and day of birth. The time of birth is divided into twelve two-hour periods, each represented by one of the twelve animal signs.

In Western astrology, a person's zodiac sign is determined solely by the month of birth. However, in the Chinese system, the year of birth plays a crucial role in determining one's character and destiny. For example, people born in the year of the rat are said to be witty and resourceful, while those born in the year of the tiger are known for their courage and passion.

In conclusion, 生辰八字 (Four Pillars of Destiny) is a unique and complex system of astrology that has been used in China for centuries to determine a person's character, destiny, and fortune. While it may seem mysterious and unfamiliar to those who are not familiar with Chinese culture, it remains a popular and respected practice among many people in Asia and around the world.

2、992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 生辰八字的英文怎么说

In Chinese culture, one's birth date and time hold great significance in determining one's destiny and personality traits. This information is captured in the form of a "生辰八字" (shēng chén bā zì), which translates to "eight characters of birth time" in English.

To translate this into English, we could use the term "Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart". The chart contains eight characters, consisting of four celestial stems and four terrestrial branches. The four celestial stems are associated with the five elements - earth, water, fire, wood, and metal - and their yin and yang attributes, while the four terrestrial branches correspond to the 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac.

To create a Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart, one needs to know their birth year, month, day, and time. The year is associated with one of the 12 zodiac animals, the month is linked to one of the 12 Chinese lunar months, while the day and time are connected to specific celestial stems and terrestrial branches. These eight characters are then arranged in a specific order to form the birth chart.

Once you have your birth chart, you can use it to make predictions about your future and to learn more about yourself. The chart can reveal your strengths and weaknesses, your personality traits, and even your compatibility with others.

In summary, to say "生辰八字" in English, we can use the term "Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart". While this concept may be unfamiliar to those outside of Chinese culture, it holds great significance in determining one's destiny and personal traits. Knowing your birth chart can help you better understand yourself and make informed decisions about your life.


