992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 炎热的用英语怎么说英语的单词是什么

admin 2023-09-20 11:00 阅读数 #趣味分享

992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 炎热的用英语怎么说英语的单词是什么

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首先是“scorching”,表示极度炎热的状况。比如,当我们感受到高温下烈日的酷烈,可以说“The sun is scorching today.”

其次是“sweltering”,表示天气炎热让人难以忍受。比如,当我们在闷热的天气下工作或者活动时,可以说“The weather is sweltering today.”

还有“blistering”,表示炎热得令人发疯的感觉。比如,当我们经历高温下的酷烈晒伤和汗水满面的时刻,可以说“The temperature outside is blistering today.”



2、992tv正在进入亚洲日韩 炎热的用英语怎么说英语的单词是什么

When we talk about the weather, it is important to know how to express different temperatures accurately. In English, the word for "炎热的" is "hot" or "sweltering". The difference between these two words lies in the intensity of the heat.

"Hot" is a common, everyday word used to describe when the temperature is above normal or uncomfortable. For example, we might say "It's hot outside today" when we feel a wave of warmth hit us as soon as we step out the door. "Sweltering", on the other hand, is used to describe extreme heat that is almost unbearable. This word is typically used when the temperature is well above normal and is often associated with humidity and lack of air circulation.

For instance, we might describe a day during the peak of summer as "sweltering" if the temperature is over 35 degrees Celsius, and the air feels thick and oppressive due to high humidity. On such a day, it may be hard to move about or perform daily activities without getting exhausted quickly.

It is important to note that "hot" and "sweltering" are not the only words used to describe hot weather in English. Other common words used to describe heat include "warm", "muggy", and "sultry". Each of these words has a slightly different connotation and can help us be more precise when describing the weather.

In short, when it comes to describing "炎热的" in English, we can use either "hot" or "sweltering", depending on the intensity of the heat. It is always useful to have a wide range of words to describe the weather, as it can help us communicate more effectively and accurately about the conditions outside.


